Saturday, July 14, 2018

Top 5 Self-Empowerment Books for Women

Hello my dear,

There are many things that I adore in life; the short list most definitely includes reading, practicing self-care, and learning. 

Several years ago, I filmed a video for my YouTube channel detailing my favorite self-empowerment books for women. To date, it is still my most watched video. While, at present, I cringe to watch it (I clearly still have work to do on my own inner “mean girl”), I am incredibly interested in the topic of personal growth.

For women, it can be especially difficult to come to a place where we are comfortable with ourselves and in love with who we are. Our Western culture emphasizes dress sizes over heart sizes and this can be incredibly discouraging, tamping down our spirits to near nothingness. 

But darling, no matter how low or hopeless you feel, those tamped down embers are still smoldering. With a little bit of nurturing, you’ll get your love of life back. I believe in you. I believe in us. 

These books are important because they remind us that yes, it is possible to live different lives.
            Better lives.
                        More enlightened lives.
                                    Happier lives.

1.    Mastering Your Mean Girl by Melissa Ambrosini

This remains my absolute favorite self-empowerment book for women. I have physically read it several times and have listened to the wonderful audiobook (narrated by the lovely Melissa herself) more times than I can remember. Every time, it delivers something new, something presently relevant. Reading this always feels personal, as if she is speaking directly to me as an individual.

Throughout the book, she shares many important concepts. Melissa reminds us how to use love as a filter through which to view the world. Love should be infused into all of your actions. Another important lesson is that we need to be mindful of our “worthiometer,” or how deserving we feel of a beautiful life.

She includes many activities, which you can complete to really parse out how you want your ideal life to look and what steps need to be taken in order to get there. These actionable steps are essential in getting us to actually take the steps necessary to grow.

This book has always felt true to me, striking some internal cord, reverberating up and down my spine. Melissa’s work came into my life at the perfect time, a time of transition and yearning for something better. Quite simply: she helped me to change my life.

2.    Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert 

If I couldn’t be me and had to be someone else, I would be Elizabeth Gilbert.

This book is a gem, reminding us in the most elegant string of words that everyone has the innate drive to make things. She helps us to stop letting fear get in the way of our creativity and move relentlessly and gracefully onwards. My favorite quote: “Done is better than good.” 

After reading this book, I actually sat down and finished writing my novel. 

3.    Radical Self-Love by Gala Darling

For those of you who haven’t jumped on the Gala Darling train, now is the time. Gala Darling is a badass warrior queen, covered head to toe in pink sparkles. She discusses confidence, loving yourself, happiness, heart-expanding friendships, love, and sex, as well as manifesting and using personal style as a tool and medium of expression. She is quirky-cool and as authentic as one can possibly be. If you are looking for a fun read that will boost your self-love practice, give this a go.

I also recommend checking out her YouTube channel, especially her Wonderland Sessions and High Vibe Honey series. 

4.    The Desire Map: A Guide to Creating Goals with Soul by Danielle LaPorte

Danielle is the queen of not taking shit from anyone and going after exactly what she wants. If you want your project/business/life to get off the ground, she might be just the kick in the butt you need. 

That being said, this book is her softest work. She takes us through her Desire Mapping process, in which we figure out our 3-5 core desired feelings and start to wrap our goals (personal, business, etc.) around how we want to feel. This is revolutionary.

To make this book even better, the second half is a workbook, so you can really take the time to go through this process in order to live a life that not only kicks ass, but feels right for you.  

5.    You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero

This is another book that I have revisited time and time again. The audiobook for this is also narrated by the author, something I love. Audiobook version: 10/10 would recommend.

Jen discusses how to take control of your life in order to start feeling powerful again. This is, by far, the funniest self-empowerment book I have ever read. Her advice is practical and shies away from fluff; she is direct while retaining a light, I’m-kidding-but-I’m-not-kidding-you-should-seriously-kick-your-butt-into-gear vibe.

Other divine options:
            #Girlboss by Sophia Amoruso 
            Light is the New Black by Rebecca Campbell
            50 Ways to Yay!  by Alexi Panos
            Better Than Before by Gretchin Rubin
            Open Wide by Melissa Ambrosini
            The Magic/The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
            Turn Your Pain into Art by Ariel Bloomer
            Secrets for the Mad by Dodie Clark
            The Soul Searcher’s Handbook: A Modern Girl’s Guide to the New Age World by Emma Mildon


            You are loved.

                        You are love.
                                    You deserve love.
                                                You deserve the life of your dreams.
                                                              Go out and make it.




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